远校设计 | 内敛侘寂 质朴的温柔


Abandon furnishings decoration elements, to create more comfortable minimalist, the use of wood lines and micro cement without trace to build poetry, low saturation tells the beauty of gentle, in time, leave to wabi-sabi very simple table gentle aesthetics.

客厅 | The sitting room 远校设计 | 内敛侘寂 质朴的温柔


由木质地板延申而上的墙面,以容器形态承建流动空间,无主灯设计拉伸层高,投射光线营造温和归属感,柔软居者的精神内在。The wall extending from the wooden floor is built in the form of containers for flow space. There is no main lamp design to stretch the height, casting light to create a gentle sense of belonging, and the inner spirit of soft residents. 住宅


电视背景的大理石纹,与对应的沙发素白背景形成反差,在至简与温柔中保留灵气,绽放优雅。The marbling of the TV background, in contrast to the plain white background of the sofa, retains the spirit in the most simple and gentle, blooming elegance.


远校设计 | 内敛侘寂 质朴的温柔

客厅与用餐区作为联动板块,紧密人与人、人与物,人与空间的情感联系,强调分享与交流的情绪共鸣。The living room and dining area as a linkage plate, close the emotional connection between people and people, people and things, people and space, emphasizing the emotional resonance of sharing and communication. 住宅


少许用色,亦能点缀生活的质感与温馨。随性放置一株绿植,即可为家庭氛围唤醒春意…A little color can also embellish the texture and warmth of life. Casually place a green plant to awaken the spring mood for the family atmosphere...

用餐区 | Dining Area


打造侘寂风用餐空间,在平静中布局生活美学,曲面家具营造舒适的交流环境,错开边角的生硬,尽显不规则几何物体的趣味调性。Create wabi Sabi wind dining space, the layout of life aesthetics in the calm, curved furniture to build a comfortable communication environment, staggered edge corner of the stiff, all show the fun tone of irregular geometric objects. 扮家家室内设计网

主卧 | Master room

远校设计 | 内敛侘寂 质朴的温柔



充足的光线与主卧共生共情,规则线条流动于靠床背景,隐喻生活如湖面,时而趋向平静,有时泛起涟漪。Ample light and master bedroom symbiosis empathy, regular lines flow in the background of the bed, metaphorical life like a lake, sometimes tends to calm, sometimes ripples.



利用飘窗空间连接柜体,拓展存储功能,为有限空间挪移更多领域。光影跃动的诗意,让居者在独处中静静细品。The bay window space is used to connect the cabinet, expand the storage function, and move more areas for the limited space. The poetry of light and shadow, let the resident in alone in quiet fine taste.

次卧 | Second Bedroom

远校设计 | 内敛侘寂 质朴的温柔

住宅长辈房采用悬浮床的设计,为场地塑造通透与轻盈,明净观感场景。The elder room adopts the design of floating bed, creating a transparent, light and clean scene for the site. 住宅简洁布局呼应整体,大面积玻璃放映窗外光景,素雅柔和的感官体验,为长辈平添舒心。Simple layout echoes the whole, a large area of glass shows the scene outside the window, and the simple, elegant and soft sensory experience adds comfort to the elders. 设计案例

儿童房 | Children's Room 扮家家室内设计网儿童房藏匿巧思设计,素色视觉明亮场域,用功能多元的收纳面,为孩子提供动与静的选择,让独处变得自由且随性。Children's room hiding clever design, plain vision bright field, with multiple functions of the storage surface, for children to provide dynamic and static choice, let alone become free and casual. 远校设计 | 内敛侘寂 质朴的温柔契合屋主需求,演绎极简侘寂美学,在温柔生活中寻求一份感官治愈,构筑理想之地,洋溢油然而生的暖心。Meet the needs of the owner, the interpretation of the aesthetics of minimalist wabi-sabi, in the gentle life to seek a sensory healing, build an ideal place, filled with warm heart.

▼平面图 | The Plan▼ 住宅

项目名称 | 龙光·阳光悦府

Project name | Golden Sunshine Pleasant Mansion

设计机构 | 远校空间设计

Design Firm | YUANXIAO Space

主案设计 | 余远校

Interior Design | Yu YuanXiao

硬装设计 | 邵瑞环 余泽娇 余卓毅

Interior Design | Sao RuiHuan

项目地点 | 汕头 澄海

Location | Shantou,China

设计面积 | 137㎡

Design Area | 137 sq.m.

设计时间 | 二零二二年八月

Design Time | August 2022


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