sò projects丨ZUCZUG Flat


▲ 半遮的门头呈现若隐若现的“私密感”与“仪式感” © Wen Studio

由Sò Studio设计的ZUCZUG全新主题空间店铺——“ZUCZUG Flat”近日盛大开业。在ZUCZUG创立20周年来临之际,ZUCZUG首家Flat店铺登陆上海新地标——前滩太古里。

ZUCZUG Flat, ZUCZUG's new themed space designed by Sò Studio, has opened its door recently. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of ZUCZUG's establishment, the first Flat store of ZUCZUG was grandly opened in the new landmark of Shanghai -- Qiantan Tai Koo Li.

sò projects丨ZUCZUG Flat

▲ 错落有致的墙面衣柜形成连续的阶梯节奏 © Wen Studio

位于前滩太古里石区三层的ZUCZUG Flat作为新型的基础品类买手店,囊括服装、配饰等多种丰富日常生活的好物,包括子品牌 ZUCZUG 4M36、环保品牌klee klee、运动品牌An Ko Rau、时装品牌ZUCZUG、独设计师品牌WHM、Kwanyza、usually dream等。

ZUCZUG Flat, located on the third floor of Qiantan Tai Koo Li's Stone zone, is a new type of assembly store that provides various products including clothing, accessories which enrich daily life. Brands include ZUCZUG 4M36, Klee Klee, An Ko Rau, ZUCZUG, WHM, Kwanyza, Usually Dream, etc.



Flat有两层意味,“公寓”和“平等”。公寓,是日常生活的基础空间; Flat也有公平、平等的理念。Sò Studio 通过对“公寓和平等”的探索,以人的需求为出发点,不像一间传统的店铺,通过模拟女生的衣橱,以衣帽间为主题收集日常生活中的美好和趣味,展现有趣的收纳方式和自由轻松的生活方式。将衣帽间的不同元素应用到店铺空间的不同角落,让顾客在店铺中如在公寓般舒适惬意,发现生活中的美好。

Flat means "apartment" and "equality". The apartment is the fundamental space of everyday life; the flat also has the concept of fairness and equality. Through the simulation of a girl's wardrobe, exploration of the dual meanings of flat, and the needs of people, Sò Studio uses the cloakroom, unlike a traditional shop, as the design theme to show the fascinating and beautiful items found and collected in daily life to express the joyful storage methods and relaxing and free lifestyle.  Different elements of the cloakroom are elaborate applied to different corners of the store so that customers can meander around in the store comfortably like in their own apartment and discover the beauty of daily life.


▲ 柜体背板的百叶帘装饰增添日常趣味 © Wen Studio

Sò Studio通过合理的设计勾勒出悬挂区、叠放区、配饰区等专用展示空间,使空间每个角落都得到充分利用,并实现一目了然、功能分类布局清晰、拿取方便的空间规划。从而展现理想的衣帽间类型。

Sò Studio outlines the dedicated display space such as hanging area, stacking area, and accessories area through rational design of the space. It makes full use of every corner of the space to provide a spatial layout with a clear functional layout and good accessibility, which shows the ideal cloakroom type.


▲ 百叶帘造型的中岛柜 © Wen Studio


▲ 百叶窗,图片来源于网络



Every design detail in the simple and elegant layout such as the flexible wooden furniture and accessories, louver-inspired cabinet, and "working lamp" fixed on the ceiling conveys a sense of comfort and serenity, as well as reflects "flat owner's" sense of discovering more fun aspects with life.


▲ “百叶帘”细节 ©Wen Studio


▲ 全局系统一 ©Sò Studio



Sò Studio为店铺量身设计两套全局系统。全局系统一将日常生活中的百叶帘的叶片转化为模块式挂板系统,运用于中岛柜体及立面上。叶片化的设计使柜体的每一片都可以独立更换,具有光板、正挂杆、侧挂杆、层板、挂绳、推拉门等形式。

Sò Studio customized two overall systems for the flat store. The first system transforms the louver blades into a modular hanging panel system applied to the central island cabinet and facade. The modular hanging panel system enables each panel to change independently into a plain board, clothes hanging rod, layer board, hanging rope, sliding door, etc.

sò projects丨ZUCZUG Flat

▲ 金属板卡扣细节 ©Wen Studio




The second system is a specially designed metal plate buckle system that fully demonstrates the free and unique aspects, as well as the user experience. The system can be replaced according to different scenarios and requirements, which is applied in the store entrance, display window and fitting room.


▲ 高低错落的隐藏式独立收银台与中岛展示柜 ©Wen Studio

Sò Studio通过空间设计与ZUCZUG不断为大家提供高品质生活好物的理念相呼应,并强化ZUCZUG “平等”的价值观、“生活和想象力”的基本理念,为大家传递轻松有趣的生活态度。

Through interior design, Sò Studio aspires to respond with ZUCZUG's concept of constantly providing high-quality goods for life and strengthen the value of flat" and the concept of "life and imagination" endowed in the brand, to convey a relaxed and joyful attitude to life.


▲ 整体空间 ©Wen Studio

即将发布更多有关ZUCZUG Flat设计的详细内容,敬请期待。

More about the design of the ZUCZUG Flat will be revealed soon, please stay tuned.


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