篙峰设计 | 白驹过隙,念岁月静好

快乐是什么?我希望是陪着父母慢慢变老,看着子女渐渐长大,让烦恼少一点,让快乐多一点。让时间慢一点,让幸福长一点。What is happiness? I hope to accompany my parents to grow old slowly, watching their children grow up, so that there are fewer worries and more happiness. Let time be slower, let happiness be longer.


清晨醒来窗帘缓缓打开,阳光撒在松软的床上,睡意依然,恋恋不舍。When I wake up in the morning, the curtains are slowly opened, and the sun is scattered on the soft bed, still sleepy, reluctant to give up.

篙峰设计 | 白驹过隙,念岁月静好




孩子们也从酣睡中醒来,宽敞舒适的大床足以让他们闹腾个够。The children also woke up from a sound sleep, and the spacious and comfortable bed was enough to make them scream.


美好的清晨,自然要从一份精致的早餐开始。而岛台不仅延展了厨房的使用功能,还兼具吧台作用,日常可以满足一家人的简易用餐。A beautiful early morning, naturally, starts with an exquisite breakfast. The island not only extends the use of the kitchen, but also serves as a bar counter, which can satisfy a family's daily meals.


3米长的岛台让生活更贴近西厨,从洗东西到摆盘、从品酒到喝茶,你都可以尽情发挥。闲暇时三五好友畅所欲言,可能除了睡觉在这里活动时间应该是最长的了。The 3-meter-long island platform brings life closer to western kitchens. From washing things to placing dishes, from tasting wine to drinking tea, you can give full play to it. Three or five friends speak freely in their free time, maybe except for sleeping here, the activity time should be the longest.

篙峰设计 | 白驹过隙,念岁月静好

一杯茶一本书,阳光温和窗外如画,就这样,心无旁骛享受这个午后。A cup of tea and a book, the sun is gentle and picturesque outside the window, just like that, I can enjoy this afternoon with no distractions.


孩子们则能在客厅肆意撒欢,卡其灰的皮质沙发,胡桃色的圆形茶几,踩踏感柔软的木质地板,不用担心磕碰。Children can have fun in the living room, with khaki gray leather sofas, walnut round coffee tables, and soft wooden floors, so you don’t have to worry about bumps.




大面积的落地窗引景入室,让城市在黑与白的交替间传递自然温暖与灯火璀璨。不仅延展了空间、开阔了视野,也更让人能静下心来感受生活。A large area of floor-to-ceiling windows lead the view into the room, allowing the city to convey natural warmth and bright lights between the alternations of black and white. It not only extends the space and broadens the horizon, but also allows people to calm down and experience life.


每个周末是家人一起做饭的时刻,走进厨房,冰箱里取材,洗菜切配下锅,熟悉顺手,加上不错的厨艺今天的晚餐一定很不错!Every weekend is the time for the family to cook together. Walk into the kitchen, get the ingredients from the refrigerator, wash the vegetables, cut and match the pot, familiar with it, plus good cooking skills. Today’s dinner must be very good!

篙峰设计 | 白驹过隙,念岁月静好

餐厨区是白配木色调下的现代极简,没有过多的装饰,干净简单,但通过合理的布局把品质格调与之融合,孕育出清雅宁静之感。The dining and kitchen area is modern and minimalist in white and wood tones, without too much decoration, clean and simple, but through a reasonable layout, the quality and style are integrated with it, giving birth to a sense of elegance and tranquility.



纯净的玻璃门不仅将油烟遮挡在内部,也保证了空间的通透与明亮。坐在餐桌上看着厨房里忙碌的身影,不也是一种家的温度吗?The pure glass door not only shields the oily smoke inside, but also ensures the transparency and brightness of the space. Sitting at the dining table and watching the busy figures in the kitchen, isn’t it also the warmth of home?




卫生间延用了灰白色调,干净利落的线条,清爽简约的基调,让空间极具张力和宁静之感。The bathroom is extended with gray and white tones, clean lines, and a refreshing and simple tone, giving the space a sense of tension and tranquility.

篙峰设计 | 白驹过隙,念岁月静好

不得不说,科技的进步极大的方便了每个人。电器家用化,足不出户就能享受快捷便利的生活。对于烘焙爱好者来说每天都可以吃到新鲜的面包饼干等,真的是非常舒心的一件事。I have to say that advances in technology have greatly facilitated everyone. Home appliances can enjoy a fast and convenient life without leaving home. For baking lovers, you can eat fresh bread and biscuits every day, which is really a very comfortable thing.


好的设计可以让家变的温馨舒适赏心悦目,可以提高生活品质,甚至是改变生活习惯,以前不会去做的这些事情都有可能变成你的爱好,渐渐的变成习惯…Good design can make your home warm, comfortable and pleasing to the eyes, improve the quality of life, and even change your life habits. Things you didn't do before may become your hobbies and gradually become habits...


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