Swell冲浪与生活度假酒店,危地马拉 / Elan Ibghy + Marie Bonnefond

Swell是一家以冲浪和生活度假为主题的精品酒店,已于近日正式对外营业。该酒店位于危地马拉一个名为El Paredon沿海村庄内,开业后不久便很快成为了该国家的冲浪首选地。这家拥有8间套房的酒店坐落于危地马拉太平洋沿岸的一处未经开发的黑色火山岩海滩上,是一个可以肆意感受波西米亚风格的度假胜地,游客们可以在这个充满灵性、品味独特的高雅酒店内度过一个悠闲的假期。

Swell is a Surf and Lifestyle boutique hotel that has recently opened its doors in El Paredon, a coastal village that has quickly become the destination of choice for surfing in Guatemala. Nestled upon the untouched volcanic black sand beach of the Guatemalan Pacific Coast, this 8-suite hotel is an inspired “barefoot boho-chic” retreat, elegantly designed for laid back travelers with discriminating taste.

▼酒店局部外观,partial exterior view of the hotel


本项目由来自蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学建筑学研究生Elan Ibghy和来自法国南部的室内设计师Marie Bonnefond共同完成。三年前,这对夫妇来到了这片位于危地马拉境内的海滩,经过一年半的设计和施工,他们终于在2018年9月完成了自己的设计梦想。在本项目中,建筑师Elan Ibghy和设计师Marie Bonnefond将现代与乡村、对比鲜明的抛光混凝土几何形状与当地工艺、天然木材纹理与多彩的危地马拉纺织品融为了一体。豪华的热带花园中设有吊床和舒适的私密空间,不仅突出了天然材料,更为游客们提供了一个考虑周到的空间,营造出一种纯粹的、放松的氛围。

Swell is the result of a collaborative work between Elan Ibghy, McGill Graduate of architecture from Montreal, and Marie Bonnefond, interior designer, originally from the south of France. This couple’s vision brought them to the beach of Guatemala three years ago, and through 1.5 years of construction, have opened the doors of their dream project in September 2018. Architect Elan Ibghy and designer Marie Bonnefond sensitively blend contemporary with rustic, contrasting polished concrete geometry with local craftsmanship, natural wood textures and colorful Guatemalan textiles. The thoughtful spaces and natural materials, animated by hammocks and cozy nooks within a luxurious tropical garden, promote pure relaxation.

▼热带花园和泳池套房俯视图,top view of the tropical garden and the swim-up suites

Swell冲浪与生活度假酒店,危地马拉 / Elan Ibghy + Marie Bonnefond

▼热带花园和带有茅草屋顶的别墅套房俯视图,top view of the tropical garden and the thatched roof bungalows


穿过酒店大门入口上方的当地风格的茅草棕榈屋顶,游客们便进入了一个配有手工制作的木制沙发的现代风格半室外休息区,休息区的旁边则是一个由当地的瓜纳卡斯特(Guanacaste)木材打造而成的极具吸引力的酒吧。Swell Nosh酒吧是一个温馨的空间,为入住的旅客提供夜间饮品、新鲜果汁和各种美味的食物。这些由业主自己设计、当地木匠手工制作的现代家具极具美学意义,在悄然间散发出现代且高雅的气息。自然的纹理和异域风情的情调氛围营造出一个轻松愉快的环境,为游客们创造了一个社交和入座空间。

The locally inspired thatched palm roof dominating the entrance of the hotel immediately leads guests to enter a stylish indoor-outdoor lounge area of handcrafted wooden sofas and swings around an inviting bar made of locally sourced Guanacaste wood. The Swell Nosh Bar nourishes the feel-good vibe with nightly drinks, fresh juices and a variety of tasty food options. The contemporary aesthetic of the furniture, designed by the owners themselves and handcrafted by a talented local carpenter, exudes a modern elegance to this main space. The natural textures and exotic touches make for a relaxed, convivial environment where guests can sit back and socialize.

▼现代风格的半室外休息区,配有手工制作的木制沙发,the stylish indoor-outdoor lounge area with handcrafted wooden sofas


▼半室外休息区旁的酒吧,木材的自然纹理和异域风情的情调氛围营造出一个轻松愉快的环境,the bar beside the indoor-outdoor lounge area, the natural textures of the wood and exotic touches make for a relaxed, convivial environment


▼从半室外休息区看泳池区,viewing the swimming pool from the indoor-outdoor lounge area




Set between a tropical garden and a cozy open lounge area, the guests are greeted by the commanding sight of an impressive 20 meters turquoise-blue swimming pool surrounded by a natural pine wood deck. The defining signature architectural feature of the hotel is a series of polished white structural elements that animate one side of the pool’s length, poetically articulating the 4 Swim-Up Suites. Each of the four rooms features its own private pine wood terrace and swim-up platform for exclusive morning wake-up swims and afternoon lounging. These suites offer a contemporary environment of clean polished concrete interiors and built-in shelves, contrasted by the warmth of local wood furniture and handpicked Guatemalan textiles. All of the rooms enjoy the luxury of their own open air private bathroom offering a tropical shower under the stars surrounded by lush palms.

▼绿松石蓝色的游泳池区,周围环绕着一圈天然的松木板,the turquoise-blue swimming pool area surrounded by a natural pine wood deck


▼泳池套房区,泳池一侧的白色抛光结构限定和标记出4间可以直接通向泳池的套房,the swim-up suites area, a series of polished white structural elements that animate one side of the pool’s length, poetically articulating the 4 Swim-Up Suites



▼泳池套房区,设有公共休息平台,the public terrace of the swim-up suites area

Swell冲浪与生活度假酒店,危地马拉 / Elan Ibghy + Marie Bonnefond

▼泳池套房区,套房设有私人松木露台和泳池休息平台,the swim-up suites area, each of the four rooms features its own private pine wood terrace and swim-up platform


▼泳池套房区,入住的旅客在私人松木露台处休息,the swim-up suites area, guests rest at the private pine wood terrace



The thatched roof bungalows, that characterize the other suites, vary in style and amenities to adapt to the traveler’s taste. These locally inspired structures offer the unique experience of sleeping under a traditional roof of woven palm leaves, cradled by the sound of the ocean waves, and are designed with intimate terrace lounges set within landscaped tropical gardens.

▼茅草屋顶的别墅套房区,the thatched roof bungalows suites area



▼茅草屋顶的别墅套房区,设有位于景观热带花园内的私人露台休息区,the thatched roof bungalows with intimate terrace lounges set within landscaped tropical gardens


作为危地马拉的度假胜地,Swell酒店将波西米亚风格与高雅设计均衡地融合在了一起,同时,通过个性化设计和精品酒店服务,打造出一个理想的、舒适的、家一般的入住空间。Swell酒店坐落于一个小渔村内,这里享有“危地马拉最佳冲浪点”的美称,每天都吸引着来自世界各地的冲浪者。这个海滩的规模很大,以至于有时候会给人一种天地间只剩下独自一人的错觉。El-Paredon村庄还有一系列令人印象深刻的红树林、盐场和海归饲养场,旅客们可以把握住这个难得的机会,前去一探究竟。为此,Swell酒店也与专注于当地发展的非政府组织la Choza Chula合作,开发出一系列由当地导游带领的旅行,从而丰富旅客的旅程。

For a Guatemalan getaway that balances boho-chic with elegance and design, Swell is the ideal combination of a cozy home-like feeling with the personalized guest attention and service of a boutique hotel. Swell sits nestled in a small fishing village, with the reputation of offering access to the best surf in the country, drawing surfers from all over the world. The beach itself is massive, and at times, devoid of anyone else in sight. The charming physical landscapes that surround El-Paredon’s offers guests’ rare opportunities to take part in tours of impressive mangrove forests, salt farms, and turtle feeding grounds. To that end, Swell works with a local development NGO, la Choza Chula, to offer access to such tours, all lead by local guides.

▼泳池套房室内空间,interior view of the swim-up suites



鉴于酒店位于危地马拉地区内公认的最佳冲浪点之一的海滩上,入住的旅客们可以自行租用冲浪板,并通过酒店直接预约安排私人冲浪课程。随后,他们还可以在Swell酒店的创意工坊内练习瑜伽,或是躺在酒店传统的海滨草棚里的吊床上放松身心,值得一提的是,创意工坊位于一个俯瞰着泳池的大型茅草屋顶结构下,在这里,客人们可以拥有绝佳的景观视野。此外,早起的人还可以额外欣赏到内陆火山的景色,包括Fuego 活火山在内,这里总共有5座内陆火山。无边无际的黑色海滩、未经开发的热带景观和传统的棕榈茅草建筑结合在一起,使这个名为El-Paredon的小渔村成为了危地马拉境内最有趣、最鲜为人知的旅游目的地之一。

Widely considered to be located in one of the best surf spots in all of Guatemala, guests can rent a board and arrange for private surf lessons directly through the hotel. Afterwards, guests may wish to stretch out and practice yoga in Swell’s Creative Studio situated under an expansive thatched palm roof structure overlooking the pool, or take a hammock and unwind at Swell’s beachside traditional “palapa”. The early risers might be rewarded by the view of up to 5 inland volcanoes, including the active Fuego volcano. The combination of endless authentic black sand beach, untouched tropical landscapes, and traditional palm thatched architecture, makes El-Paredon possibly one of Guatemala’s most interesting, and least well known, travel destinations.

▼酒店的传统海滨草棚,the Swell’s beachside traditional “palapa”


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